0.0.2 • Published 6 years ago
ngarch-dev v0.0.2
Install ngArch(Angular application architecture tool) as development dependency.
NgArch is an Angular application architecture tool, analyzing the static structure of the Angular application and visually displaying the modules, components, services and data models in multiple diagrams.
It focuses on 1) routes eager and lazy loading flow and 2)view hierarchy(Component's templates and views). It describes the application activity from the app routes to the component views( component templates and its rendered components).
The activity diagram starts from one NgModule through its routes. Then, shows component hierarchy base on component's template(showing what and how to render component's view)
ngArch Architecture Diagrams
- install ngarch-dev to an Angular project
npm install ngarch-dev --save-dev
- add launch script to package.json
"scripts": {
"ngarch": "node node_modules/ngarch-server/server",
- start ngArch server
npm run ngarch
- access ngArch
In browser, enter 'http://localhost:3000'