3.2.0 • Published 4 years ago

objql-object-query-language v3.2.0

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4 years ago



ObjQL is a helpful library allowing you to select particular entries from a collection, i.e., an array of objects. An example of code using that is below:

const collection = [
	{name: 'Adam', age: 18},
	{name: 'Adam', age: 42},
	{name: 'Mark', age: 19},
	{name: 'Joseph', age: 34},
	{name: 'Jack', age: 42},
	{name: 'Michael', age: 24}

const results = ObjQL
		age: 18

// => [{name: 'Adam', age: 18}]

Currently, the select() method only supports '*' as a first parameter.
It will change in one of the future releases.

Methods must be called in the following order: from(), select(), where(), sort() and limit(). The last two may be omitted, however.


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Compound fields

Items in a collection can have additional fields added. To do so, use a callback as a second parameter of the select() method.

.select('*', item => ({
	desc: `${item.name} being ${item.age} having a ${item.extra}`

Dependencies of compound fields

When some field doesn't have some property, a compound field may have a value that contains undefined, what might not be intended.

As a third parameter of the select() method, you can pass an array of strings - property names that all must be present in item to add compound properties.

.select('*', item => ({
	desc: `${item.name} being ${item.age} having a ${item.extra}`
}), ['name', 'age', 'extra'])

Shortcuts for Functions

{name: ObjQL.equal('John')}{name: 'John'}
{name: ObjQL.regExp(/^J/)}{name: /^J/}
group: ObjQL.in(['A', 'B', 'C']){group: new Set(['A', 'B', 'C'])}
{age: ObjQL.range(20, 32)}{age: [20, 32]}



equal(value, strict?=true)match value that equals another one{age: ObjQL.equal('20', false)}
is(value)match value that is equal to another one (uses Object.is()){result: ObjQL.is(NaN)}
in(valuesArray)match value that equals one from an array{group: ObjQL.in(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'])}
range(min, max)match value that is from the range <min;max>{age: ObjQL.range(15, 25)}
regExp(re)match value that matches to a regular expression{name: ObjQL.regExp(/^.A/i)}
like(pattern)match value that matches to a pattern (% means 0+ chars, ___ means 1 char){name: ObjQL.like('%A_a_')}
ref(anotherField)match value by a value of other field{name: ObjQL.ref('fatherName')}
match(fn)match value by a custom condition{name: ObjQL.match((val, rec) => val === rec.surname)}
size(numberOrRange)match value by its length or size{term: ObjQL.size([20, null])}
likeArray(valuesArr)match value that is an array containing all the values from the array passed to the matcher (meanwhile can contain other values){flags: ObjQL.likeArray(['canWrite', 'canEdit'])}
likeExactArray(valuesArr, checkIndexes?=false)match value that is an array containing all the values from the array passed to the matcher (meanwhile can't contain other values){badges: ObjQL.likeExactArray(['Freshman'])}

The match() matcher

A callback passed to the match() matcher can accept up to 4 parameters:

  • value of a field in a current record
  • entire current record
  • index of the current record in the entire collection
  • entire collection
// get items followed by another item whose
// `result` property is greater than or equal to
// the `result` property of the current item

	name: ObjQL.match((name, item, idx, coll) => {
		return (
			coll[idx+1] &&
			coll[idx+1].result >= item.result


firstChar(char)match value by the first character{city: ObjQL.firstChar('A')}
lastChar(char)match value by the last character{city: ObjQL.lastChar('Z')}
nthChar(char, position)match value by the n-th character{city: ObjQL.nthChar('D', 3)}
startsWith(substr, caseSensitive?=true)match value by the beginning{city: ObjQL.startsWith('Los')}
endsWith(substr, caseSensitive?=true)match value by the end{city: ObjQL.endsWith('os')}
contains(substr, caseSensitive?=true)match value by a substring{city: ObjQL.contains('yo')}


There are functions checking date that can be represented by:

  • a particular value (e.g., month(4) to match April)
  • an instance of the Date()
  • a timestamp (a number of milliseconds that have passed from 01.01.1970 00:00:00)
  • a string in one of the following formats: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.uuu DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm:ss.uuu * MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss.uuu
  • the ObjQL.CURRENT constant

When it comes to the latest three, the following parts are optional: entire time part (HH:mm:ss.uuu), seconds with milliseconds (ss.uuu) and milliseconds (uuu).

day(dayIndexOrRange)match value by a day in date{birth_date: ObjQL.day(20)}
month(monthIndexOrRange)match value by a month in date{birth_date: ObjQL.month(12)}
year(fullYearOrRange)match value by a full year (e.g., 1998 rather than 98){registered: ObjQL.year(2010)}
hour(hourOrRange)match value by an hour{orders: ObjQL.hour(15)}
minute(minuteOrRange)match value by a minute{orders: ObjQL.minute(30)}
second(secondOrRange)match value by a second{lap: ObjQL.second(10)}
millisecond(msOrRange)match value by a millisecond{click: ObjQL.millisecond(12)}
date(dateFormat, dateValue)match value by a date{birth_date: ObjQL.date('DD.MM', '14.02')}
weekDay(weekDayIndexOrRange)match value by a week day (1=Monday, 7=Sunday){weekend_visits: ObjQL.weekDay(6)}

The dateFormat parameter in the date() method can consist of the following parts: YYYY - full year, MM - month, DD - day, HH - hour, mm - minute, ss - second, uuu - millisecond.

Examples of matching date

  • match entries where the start_date field is date whose month is April
	start_date: ObjQL.month(4)
  • match entries where the start_date field is date whose day is 14th and month is February
	start_date: ObjQL.date('DD.MM', '14.02')

Note that the second parameter may be the standard date. In such a case, it does not have to match a format given as the first parameter. Elements from the first parameter will be used to compare dates:

	// pass entire date
	// but only compare day and month
	start_date: ObjQL.date('DD.MM', '2020-02-14 15:45:30')
  • match entries where the event_date field is date whose week day is Friday, Saturday or Sunday
	event_date: ObjQL.weekDay([5, 7])

Array of Numbers

min(numberOrRange)match value by minimum value(s) in an array{height: ObjQL.min([180, null])}
max(numberOrRange)match value by maximum value(s) in an array{weight: ObjQL.max(100)}
avg(numberOrRange)match value by average value(s) of an array{test: ObjQL.avg([4, 5])}
sum(numberOrRange)match value by sum of an array items{width: ObjQL.sum(24)}
count(item, numberOrRange)match value by a number of item occurencies{comment: ObjQL.count('fuc', [null, 3])}
unique(numberOrRange)match value by a number of unique items{awards: ObjQL.unique([10, 50])}

Example ranges:

  • count('a', [1, 4]) - a number of occurencies of a >= 1 and <= 4
  • count('a', [2, null]) - a number of occurencies of a >= 2
  • count('a', [null, 5]) - a number of occurencies of a <= 5

How do min()/max() work?

const collection = ObjQL.from([
	{name: 'John', marks: [3, 4, 6]},
	{name: 'Mark', marks: [2, 3, 5]}

const result = collection.select('*').where({
	marks: ObjQL.min(2)
// only Mark has been matched
// John has not as his minimum value is 3

const result2 = collection.select('*').where({
	marks: ObjQL.min([2, 4])
// both Mark and John have been matched
// given minimum value is from the range 2-4

const result3 = collection.select('*').where({
	marks: ObjQL.min([null, 2])
// only Mark has been matched
// minimum value must be less or equal to 2 [null, 2]

const result4 = collection.select('*').where({
	marks: ObjQL.min([2, null])
// both Mark and John have been matched
// minimum value must be greater or equal to 2 [2, null]


hasKey(keyName)match object that has a given key{config: ObjQL.hasKey('language')}
hasKeys(keyNamesArr, mode)match object that has the given keys: all (if mode equals ALL, it's default value) or some (if mode equals SOME){theme: ObjQL.hasKeys(['color', 'background'], 'SOME')}
hasValue(value)match object that has a given value{theme: ObjQL.hasValue('pink')}
hasValues(valuesArr, mode)match object that has the given values, all or some depending on mode (ALL being default value or SOME){config: ObjQL.hasValues(['PL', 'FR'], 'SOME')}
hasProp(keyName, value)match object that has a given key equal to given value{theme: ObjQL.hasProp('color', 'red')}
hasProps(pairArr, mode)match object that has the given keys equal to a respective value (depending on mode: ALL (default) or SOME){config: ObjQL.hasProps([['language', 'PL'], ['location', 'Poland']])}


isType(type)match value by the type (uses Object#toString(), matching is case insensitive){pattern: ObjQL.isType('regexp')}
isInstanceOf(klazz)match value that is instance of the given class{publishedAt: ObjQL.isInstanceOf(Date)}
isNull()match value that equals null{projects: ObjQL.isNull()}
isUndefined()match value that is undefined{dob: ObjQL.isUndefined()}
isTruthy()match value that is truthy{results: ObjQL.isTruthy()}
isFalsy()match value that is falsy{skills: ObjQL.isFalsy()}
isInteger()match value that is an integer{progress: ObjQL.isInteger()}
isFloat()match value that is a float{average: ObjQL.isFloat()}