2.0.4 • Published 9 years ago

prama v2.0.4

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Last release
9 years ago


prāṃa WIP

Parameters manager for applications or tests.

Define parameters which your component depends on and prama will take care of settings panel, history of changes, saving/loading states, parameter types, themes etc. Essentially it is a wrapper for settings-panel.


npm install prama

var createParams = require('prama');

var params = createParams(
	title: 'Login',
	popup: 'dropdown',
	position: 'top-right',
	fields: [
		{ label: 'Full name', type: 'text'},
		{ label: 'Email', type: 'email'},
		{ label: 'Sign In', type: 'button', input: () => {
				var querystring = params.toString();


const Prama = require('prama');

Create settings manager instance based off options:

Get single field value by name.

Return object with values of all fields

Set field value or update field options.

Update multiple field values or field options. State can be an object or a list, same as fields property in options.

Hook up a callback for any field change. Callback recieves field name, new value and full state arguments.

Show panel.

Hide panel.

Update panel visual options.

Get string representation of state. Basically, a querystring.

Get state object with fields filtered for saving. Fields which save attribute is set to false will be ignored.

See also

  • settings-panel — setting panel used by prama.
  • popoff — any type of popup, modal, dropdown etc.
  • start-app — demo page for components.
  • tst — minimalistic test runner.
  • dat.gui — other oldschool settings panel.


Thanks to freepik.com for astonishing illustration used for logo.