0.1.2 • Published 7 years ago

react-pintu v0.1.2

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Last release
7 years ago

React Pintu (Alpha)

A flow-based React application framework for everyone.


npm install --save react-pintu or yarn add react-pintu

Usecase (written in Typescript)

  1. Write application views React components. Package the components as Pintu containers.
import * as React from 'react';
import {UIContainer, IActionCallback, IContainerSpec, Types} from 'react-pintu';

interface IInputs {
  sampleInput: string;

interface IProps {
  inputs: IInputs;
  actions: IActionCallback;
  //... other props

class ViewComponent extends React.Component<IProps, void> {
  render() {
    // ... render React component

export class View extends UIContainer<IInputs> {
  getContainerSpec(): IContainerSpec {
    return {
      name: 'SampleView',
      pathTemplate: '/sample(:/prevButton)',
      inputs: {
        sampleInput: Types.string.isRequired,
      actions: {
        sampleAction: {
          id: 'sampleAction',
          label: 'Sample Action',
          type: 'endOfStep',
          payload: {
            buttonClicked: Types.string.isRequired,

  render(inputs: IInputs, onAction: IActionCallback) {
    return (
      <ViewComponent inputs={inputs} onAction={onAction} />
  1. Pintu containers are also used for packaging business logic.
import {LogicContainer, IContainerSpec, IActionCallback, Types} from 'react-pintu';

export class BranchLogic extends LogicContainer<void> {
  getContainerSpec(): IContainerSpec {
    return {
      name: 'Branch',
      pathTemplate: '/branch',
      inputs: {
        flag: Types.bool,
      actions: {
        true: {
          id: 'true',
          label: 'True',
          type: 'endOfStep',
          payload: {},
        false: {
          id: 'false',
          label: 'False',
          type: 'endOfStep',
          payload: {},

  async run(inputs: any, onAction: IActionCallback): Promise<void> {
    if (inputs.flat) {
      onAction('true', {});
    } else {
      onAction('false', {});
  1. Connect application views and business logic using flow builder and run them.

workflow demo


Please refer to the sample directory for the sample usage.\

Roadmap to beta

  1. Support container composition.
  2. Layout editor and code generator
  3. Fix common bugs and errors.
  4. Make sample page stable and create a Github IO page.
  5. Productionalize.

Roadmap to release

  1. Add container and flow versioning support.
  2. Add package script or create a binary to help with version management.
  3. Release ready.