0.2.0-beta.9 • Published 4 months ago

restakebot v0.2.0-beta.9

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Last release
4 months ago



This package was created to automatic reStake crypto assets in different networks:

  • Binance Smart Chain
  • Cosmos Network
  • Secret Network
  • Akash
  • Kava
  • Osmosis
  • Comdex
  • Band

And also to notice you about every reStake transaction via your Telegram bot (you will need to provide a token).

All private keys, Telegram token and chats' ids will be encrypted with your password!


  1. Install nvm package manager
  2. Install node version >= 15.3.0 with nvm (better way)
  3. Install npm package manager
  4. Install restakebot package as global: npm i -g restakebot

Let's begin

Fast method to create new config (profile) file

restakebot init

Launch the bot with your file

restakebot <filename>

Add new wallet

restakebot add_wallet / add

Connect Telegtam bot later

restakebot connect_tg / add_tg / tg

Change password for your file

restakebot change_password / repass Then your file will be reEncrypted.

Encrypt a key manually

restakebot encoder

Explaining a config file.JSON

Root scheme

	wallets: Wallet[], // Your wallets for restaking or using in apps
	apps: App[], // Using applications
	interval: number, // Interval for auto restake in seconds
	telegram: TelegramConfig // (optional) Connect your Telegram bot for receiving all event

Wallet scheme

	id: string, // (optional) Unique name to get an access to this wallet for apps
	network: string, // System key of a network module
	config: Config, // Detail information for connecting to your wallet and network
	triggers: Coin[], // Limits to show when you want to restake assets
	interval: number // (optional) Personal interval for restaking for this wallet

Wallet config scheme

	host: string, // Connection to a network
	gasPrice: number, // Unit that impacts on a final price and speed of transactions
	address: string, // (optional) Will verify this address with your private key and show in logs as open view
	alias: string, // (optional) Random string to identify a wallet personally
	key: {
		type: string, // Type of a key
		value: string // Encrypted private key

Coin scheme

	amount: string, // without decimals
	denom: string // native denom (not contract)

App scheme

	app: string, // System key of an app module
	alias: string, // (optional) Random string to identify events personally
	wallets: string[], // IDs of allowed wallets
	params: unknown // Configuration for an app (see description of the app)