1.0.6 • Published 8 months ago

revbits-pam-cli v1.0.6

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Last release
8 months ago



The RevBits PAM CLI is a command-line tool that provides a convenient way to interact with the RevBits Privileged Access Management (PAM) system. It offers various commands to authenticate users, perform actions, and manage secrets within the RevBits PAM environment.


To install the RevBits PAM CLI as an npm package, you can use the following command:

npm install -g revbits-pam-cli



Use the following command to authenticate with the RevBits PAM system:

Remember to enclose password in single quotes

revbits-pam-cli auth -h HOSTNAME -u USERNAME -p 'PASSWORD' -i ITR_COUNT
  • -h or --host: Specify the PAM server URL (it should be complete hostname along with protocol like https://revbits-pam.com).
  • -u or --username: Provide the username for authentication.
  • -p or --password: Enter the password for authentication.
  • -i or --instance: Set the iteration count.


To log out of the RevBits PAM system, use the following command:

revbits-pam-cli logout

Break Glass

You can use the following commands to manage break glasses:

  • To fetch all break glasses
revbits-pam-cli bg list
  • To fetch Break Glass AD/Linux Accounts
revbits-pam-cli bg accounts -i BREAK_GLASS_ID
  • To get Break Glass AD/Linux Account Password
revbits-pam-cli bg cp_pass -i ACCOUNT_ID

Secrets Manager

You can use the following commands to manage secrets:

  • To fetch a secret:
revbits-pam-cli sm fetch -s SECRET_NAME -k API_KEY
  • -s or --secret: Specify the secret name for which you want to fetch the secret.
  • -k or --key: Provide the API key.

You can fetch more than one secrets by separating secret keys with comma

revbits-pam-cli sm fetch -s SECRET_NAME1,SECRET_NAME2,SECRET_NAME3 -k API_KEY


Run it with $ rpc instead by adding alias rpc=revbits-pam-cli to your .zshrc/.bashrc.