1.0.5 • Published 9 years ago

ycall v1.0.5

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9 years ago

cfy - CallbackiFY

Simplifies interop between co (promise / generator-based) async functions, and async callback-based functions (both node-style nodebacks where the first parameter is an error, and regular callbacks).


  • Write callback-based async functions using generators (using cfy). Can also write node-style ("nodeback") async functions (using cfy_node). If the resulting function is not passed a callback, an ES6 Promise is returned.
  • Can yield callback-based functions in generators (using yfy), as well as node-style nodeback-based functions (using yfy_node).
  • All features of generators wrapped with co (such as yielding Promises) can be used generators wrapped with cfy and cfy_node.


npm install cfy


For the purpose of these examples, we assume you have required the library as follows:

var {cfy, cfy_node, ycall, ycall_node, yfy, yfy_node} = require('cfy');


Turning a generator into a callback/promise-based async function

var {cfy} = require('cfy');

var cfy_example = cfy(function*() {
  var result = yield Promise.resolve(5); // 5
  return result;

cfy_example(function(x) { console.log(x) }); // 5
cfy_example().then(function(x) { console.log(x) }); // 5

Using callback-based async functions in generators

var {cfy, yfy} = require('cfy');

var yfy_example_with_arguments = cfy(function*(a, b) {
  var result = yield yfy(add_async)(5, 1); // 6
  return result + a + b;

yfy_example_with_arguments(2, 7, function(x) { console.log(x) }); // 15
yfy_example_with_arguments(2, 7).then(function(x) { console.log(x) }); // 15

Writing a wrapper for setTimeout (sleep)

var sleep = cfy(function*(time) {
  function sleep_base(msecs, callback) {
    setTimeout(callback, msecs);
  yield yfy(sleep_base)(time);

var sleep_example = cfy(function*() {
  yield sleep(3000); // sleeps for 3 seconds
  return 7;

sleep_example(function(x) { console.log(x) }); // 7



cfy creates a callback-style function from a generator

var cfy_example = cfy(function*() {
  var result = yield Promise.resolve(5); // 5
  return result;

cfy_example(function(x) { console.log(x) }); // 5

If the last argument is not a function, a promise will be returned instead:

cfy_example().then(function(x) { console.log(x) }); // 5


cfy_node creates a nodeback-style function from a generator

var cfy_node_example = cfy_node(function*() {
  var result = yield Promise.resolve(5); // 5
  return result;

cfy_node_example(function(err, x) { console.log(x) }); // 5

If the last argument is not a function, a promise will be returned instead:

cfy_node_example().then(function(x) { console.log(x) });


yfy transforms a callback-style function into a promise which can be yielded within a generator.

function add_async(x, y, callback) {
  setTimeout(function() {
    callback(x + y);
  }, 1000);

var yfy_example_with_arguments = cfy(function*(a, b) {
  var result = yield yfy(add_async)(5, 1); // 6
  return result + a + b;

yfy_example_with_arguments(2, 7, function(x) { console.log(x) }); // 15


yfy_node transforms a nodeback-style function into a promise which can be yielded within a generator.

function add_async_node(x, y, nodeback) {
  setTimeout(function() {
    nodeback(null, x + 1);
  }, 1000);

var yfy_node_example_with_arguments = cfy_node(function*(a, b) {
  var result = yield yfy_node(add_async_node)(5, 1); // 6
  return result + a + b;

yfy_node_example_with_arguments(2, 7, function(err, x) { console.log(x) }); // 15


ycall is a shorthand that calls yfy on a callback-based function and calls it with the remaining parameters. So ycall(func, x, y) is equivalent to yfy(func)(x, y)

function add_async(x, y, callback) {
  setTimeout(function() {
    callback(x + y);
  }, 1000);

var ycall_example_with_arguments = cfy(function*(a, b) {
  var result = yield ycall(add_async, 5, 1); // 6
  return result + a + b;

ycall_example_with_arguments(2, 7, function(x) { console.log(x) }); // 15


ycall_node is a shorthand that calls yfy_node on a nodeback-based function and calls it with the remaining parameters. So ycall_node(func, x, y) is equivalent to yfy_node(func)(x, y)

function add_async_node(x, y, nodeback) {
  setTimeout(function() {
    nodeback(null, x + 1);
  }, 1000);

var ycall_node_example_with_arguments = cfy_node(function*(a, b) {
  var result = yield ycall_node(add_async_node, 5, 1); // 6
  return result + a + b;

ycall_node_example_with_arguments(2, 7, function(err, x) { console.log(x) }); // 15

More Examples

You will find more examples in example.js (for interop with normal callback-based async functions) and example_node.js (for interop with node-style nodeback-based async functions). The unit tests include examples of usage from Livescript.


By Geza Kovacs