es6 Native Promise Defer that helps build promise/callback dual APIS
es6 Native Promise Defer that helps build promise/callback dual APIS
Wrapper for calling Restful API
Provide flexible methods that accept callbacks and return promises without requiring a Promise implementation exist
Use generators and yield to write regular callback-based functions
Use generators and yield to write regular callback-based functions
A backport of `util.callbackify` for Node.js 6.0 and up.
Observe a child_process's 'exit' and 'close' events and transform them into events with nodeback-style arguments (error, child).
Mapping of Chrome APIs to node-style callbacks
A Promise that's also a callback. Helpful for adapting callback APIs and event emitters for async/await code.
Lightweight JSON parse errback function
For when your promise libraries `promisify` method just won't cut it!
Transform node callback style (nodeback) functions into ES6 promise-return function
Proxy-Powered Promisification for your Pleasure
node-style callback to promise
Support Nodeback-style callbacks for fs.exists without breaking backward compatibility
Naive callbackification 🙈