The scaffold of angular web application
The scaffold of angular web application
The scaffold of Node.js web app
Polyfill for Node.js module.createRequire (<= v12.2.0)
Create a new lerna-managed package
The Next Generation of CSS-in-JS.
Create Gatsby apps in an interactive CLI experience that does the plumbing for you.
Easily add private variables to handlebars block helpers.
Simple helper for sub-classing the Error object
Create nori apps with one command
Generates template repos for use with 'npm create'. Yo dawg...
Apache Cordova create module. Creates new project from default or template
Mix the prototype of one class into another
Create production-ready GraphQL servers using Graphback
Create a thenable for a given Promise prototype
Create a pre-configured HTTP server
Create a GitHub check + annotation.
Create a Catalog style guide for your app
create sri from local file or remote file
Idempotently initialize Architect projects
Create .torrent files