精简版的RXjs Packages


Based on rxjs, it allows asynchronous operations. provides callbacks of stages. You can configure retries. This library can be used in any js environment. Both in the back and in the front. It can be used in angular, react, etc.

0.0.2 • Published 3 years ago


React hook. Based on rxjs. Encapsulate all the boilerplate code necesary to execute an async operations. Support concurrency executions: MergeMap, SwitchMap, ConcatMap, ExhaustMap. Also a retry mechanisim. All described is posible via configuration.

0.1.6 • Published 2 years ago


Context-Observable Component manages the state of your React App using new React Context Api following same interfaces of Redux (actions and reducers) and using the same idea behind redux-observable to avoid side-effect

1.0.3 • Published 6 years ago