Create a promise that can be canceled
Create a promise that can be canceled
Make any iterator or iterable abortable via an AbortSignal
A little lib for aborting in Promise chain.
A CancelablePromise with the ability to stop a CancelablePromise created in a CancelablePromise
Abortable executions
Abortable async function helpers
A Simple Implementation of Abortable Promise
A class to create a new fettuccine wrapper that defaults to the given options
Easily modularize your application into cancelable components. Everything they initialize can be monitored, stopped and removed automatically, including views, promise chains, requests, listeners, DOM and CSS.
Asynchronous versions of the `useEffect` and` useCallback` hooks that able to cancel internal code by user requests or component unmounting
Easily compartmentalize your JavaScript application into components. Track, stop, and delete anything initialized into them, including promise chains, requests, listeners, views, DOM and CSS.
Promise where the whole tree can be awaited, canceled and expired. Provides synchronous status, explorable chain map, shared data, debug data and trace.
Track progress, bitrate (speed), remaining time from XHR upload & download events
Cancelable promise with progress capturing, pause, timeouts, signals, data flows and decorators support
Composable async primitives (tasks) with cancelation and control over scheduling. Includes optional courotune implementation.
Module to split long-running tasks into chunks with limited budget
XHR-powered fetch implementation with upload and download updates
TypeScript Async Method Decorators
abortable promise, also support timeout
Promise subclass to make the promise chain abortable.