Embeddable genomic visualization component based on the Integrative Genomics Viewer
Embeddable genomic visualization component based on the Integrative Genomics Viewer
A suite of reusable [React](http://reactjs.org/) components for creating a variety of visualizations involving [multiple sequence alignments](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_sequence_alignment). [View the live demo here](http://alignment.hyphy.org/
Nucleotide sequence manipulation and analysis library
JavaScript track viewer
Node program to run canvasXpress with react
LexiconMonoSeq, DOM Text based MSA visualization written in Javascript
Vue component for displaying phylogenetic trees
interval tree, for fast overlapping interval queries
Vue component to create a sequence multiple alignment in SVG
Node program to run canvasXpress in the command line
Program to run canvasXpress with node
utility functions to handle DNA/RNA string data
Module for DNA, RNA and protein sequences manipulation
Typescript implementation of pouchDB instance loaded with the GTDB
Vue component for displaying an overview of a multiple sequence alignment
Development fork of igv.js, for patches before merging upstream
A simple parser to convert VCF files to JSON
TnT library for displaying trees and track-based annotations
Angular 12+ components for cytoscape charting.
React component based on the EBI species icons