Control access to modules bundled by Webpack
Control access to modules bundled by Webpack
Control access to modules bundled by Webpack
A set of packaging tools for building typescript libraries for Common JS and ES Modules
EJS (Underscore/LoDash Templates) loader for webpack
Package Import Map Generation Tool
Package Import Map Generation Tool
Package Import Map Generation Tool
Date and Time Related Extensions SH{Shamsi Hijri, Solar Hijri, Iranian Hijri}
Publish project as dual ES modules and CommonJS package
Package Import Map Generation Tool
Package Import Map Utility
Dev server plugin for using storybook with es modules.
Control access to ES modules
CLI to set up a basic Express project with MVC structure, Swagger documentation, and support for ES Modules/CommonJS
Fake, mock and stub modules.
Express' application generator with ES Modules
A declarative modular framework that runs on the browser
Storybook builder powered by `@web/dev-server`
Storybook framework for `@web/storybook-builder` + Web Components
CLI to lint, serve and build web components built with html, css(sass) and javascript.