Library Packages


This submodule defines a PKPBase class, providing shared wallet functionality for Ethers and Cosmos signers, responsible for managing public key compression, initializing and connecting to the LIT node, running LIT actions, and offering debug functions fo

5.1.0 • Published 13 days ago


This submodule provides encryption and decryption of contents (string, zip, etc.) respectively using a symmetric key, with the encrypted content returned as a Blob and the symmetric key as a Uint8Array

5.1.0 • Published 13 days ago


`lit-auth-client` makes it easy to manage PKP authentication with Lit Protocol. This library offers convenient methods for social logins, Ethereum wallet sign-ins, and minting and fetching of PKPs linked to auth methods.

5.1.0 • Published 13 days ago


This module is the main module of this monorepo. It sets a default authentication callback using the `checkAndSignAuthMessage` function from the auth-browser submodule, which is designed to work in both browser and Node.js environments, facilitating inter

5.1.0 • Published 13 days ago


## IPFSBundledSDK ``` import { importer } from "ipfs-unixfs-importer"; import { MemoryBlockstore } from "blockstore-core/memory"; ```

3.1.4 • Published 4 months ago


This submodule contains various utility functions for error handling, logging, type checking, and other operations in the JavaScript SDK for the Lit Protocol.

5.1.0 • Published 13 days ago