Make JavaScript functions that support both promise and callback styles.
Make JavaScript functions that support both promise and callback styles.
Convert callback-based function into promise. Simple, 10LOC, no deps.
Promisify callback-style functions to ES6 promises
promisifyAll with node's native promisify function
A utility module which provides straight-forward, powerful functions for working with async/await in JavaScript.
Handle continuous steam of events in Promise fashion.
Essential utils for promises
Turn a callback-style function into a function that returns a promise
Promisify with native promises.
Typescript promisify, map, and try
GRPC promisify module for all Request/Response types: standard and stream
Promisify Node-style asynchronous functions by putting a .promise after them (or after the object for methods)
Make a Promise from a function with a callback and preserve its error stack.
Simple and lightweight utility for transforming callback functions to Promises
Invoke AWS Lambda functions with ease
Promisify dialogs in Vue.js
A minimal promisifying callback-based function(s) module
Tiny library to promisify functions expecting node-style callbacks
Angular service for returning $q promises from callback APIs
promisify redis commands with util.promisify