Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds
Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds
a secure, synchronous, well-compatible browser sandbox with customization support
This is a package for AOS and it is used as a sandbox to learn package creation.
mock server CLI
Serve json data from files on disk
## Installation
Javascript VM context wrapper
Abort if the process isn't sandboxed as intended and can access sensitive files
Hua Chao's Blog
Boilerplate for building a TypeScript + Rollup + Vite module that can be published to NPM.
vm3 is a sandbox that can run untrusted code with whitelisted Node's built-in modules. Securely!
Apply no-sandbox flag automatically when required to fix SUID sandbox helper errors
A simple utility to embed Apollo Sandbox.
mock json with REST api and websocket
docker sandbox demo
Dumi Plugin Run any JavaScript and Node.js app in any browser, powered by CodeSandbox.
E2B SDK that give agents cloud environments
Evaluate JavaScript abstract syntax tree in ESTree format