calculates the sum
calculates the sum
A tiny JavaScript library for calculating sun/moon positions and phases.
Simplify CSS equations with mixed units and wrap them in calc.
An precision calculation for JavaScript and Node.js. supports numbers, decimals, strings, arrays, matrices and expression. 解决 JavaScript 与 Node.js 精度计算(小数、浮点数计算精度)问题。支持数字、小数、字符串、数组、矩阵和表达式。
An lightweight and high performance precision calculation for JavaScript and Node.js. 解决 JavaScript 与 Node.js 精度计算(小数、浮点数计算精度)问题,轻量级、性能较高。
PostCSS plugin to reduce calc()
Calculates mexican CURP.
A decimal library for flointing point precision based on PHP's bcmath
Simple decimal arithmetic for the browser and node.js!
This is an engine that converts the raw accelerometer data being output from the device into velocity and position data that can be applied to objects in the DOM for cool affects. Applications include gaming and UI controls.
calculates distance between two geocoordinates i.e latitude,longitude distance calculation.
Loan payment calculation library with advanced features
A JavaScript toolbox for working with geographical entities
this module is just for simple calculation like addition subtraction multiplication etc.
Simple decimal arithmetic for the browser and node.js!
A library of JavaScript tools for floating-point calculation
Calculates mexican RFC.
A very simple spatial grid implementation, designed to speed up some calculations
A simple calculation component in vanilla javascript. Easy configuration using data-attributes and/or JavaScript API. Great for getting values from multiple elements and calculating to produce a result.
Basic time window conculations