<a href="https://nivo.rocks"><img alt="nivo" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plouc/nivo/master/nivo.png" width="216" height="68"/></a>
<a href="https://nivo.rocks"><img alt="nivo" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plouc/nivo/master/nivo.png" width="216" height="68"/></a>
3D axes for WebGL
2D webgl plots
Axes spikes for 2d webgl plots
Visual encoding transforms for Vega dataflows.
Renders axes for WebGL plots
D3 plugin to manage pairs of axes.
A very simple spatial grid implementation, designed to speed up some calculations
Rotate vectors about two axes.
Battle the web with Backbone, Handlebars, Babel (Harmony) and Sass!
a superb library that extends the Gamepad API with super powers
Grid with Axes for image Overlay
build the projects which develop by the AxesJS web framework.
Monitor axes as buttons on top of Gamepad library
2D plot axes element
Visual encoding transforms for Vega dataflows.
Algorithm to sync/align two axes' ticks so that their intervals are 'nice'.
A simple React component for labelled 3D axes