Execute custom cleanup function before Node.js exits
Execute custom cleanup function before Node.js exits
A command-line interface to bulk delete workflow runs of GitHub actions.
A powerful CLI tool to manage console.log statements in your JavaScript/TypeScript projects
A toolbox for expanding markdown functionality
Nodenomore is a command-line interface (CLI) tool that removes node_modules directories from your computer
Optimize your package.json by removing unused npm packages.
Some util to clean up package.json for npm publish
A Playwright cleanup plugin
Playwright fixture for per-test resource cleanup
A lightweight script designed to clean up your `node_modules`
Uninstall old versions of Node.js as installed by nvm
CLI tool to remove unnecessary directories from outdated projects
Clean up node_modules directories over projects
A cli command to clean up your create-react-app
Simple wrapper for addEventListener that returns a cleanup function so you don't have to call removeEventListener manually. The rad part is that it works with typescript 🤯
Zero out byte arrays before cleanup
Delete files and directories
Janitor for NevermoreEngine, with Maid backwards compatibility.
React Hook that manages and cleans up after calls to setTimeout()
React Hook that manages and cleans up after calls to setTimeout()