Save correct vh in root-variable and use it in CSS.
Save correct vh in root-variable and use it in CSS.
validate package for javascript-node.js
jQuery Form Validation Plugin
JSON parser
Promisify sync, async or generator function, using [relike][]. Kind of promisify, but lower level. Full compatibility with [co][]4 and passing 100% of its tests.
The probably user-friendliest password generator out there. Generates random strings, gibberish (pronounceable passwords), or 'correct-horse-battery-staple' passphrases in English or German.
Get correct type of value as specified in ECMAScript specification about language types
Create callback api for given sync function. Guarantee that given function (sync or async, no matter) will always have callback api and will handle errors correctly.
Tiny curry() and curryN() functions. Resulting functions will have the correct arity (length).
Base class for easily creating meaningful and quiet by default Error classes with sane defaults and assertion in mind.
A BigInt precision math library with TypeScript types.
Graceful reading of JSON value, using JSON.parse with support for optional callback
Test and auto correct e-mail addresses
fixes the Ionic Capacitor's Camera Plugin's output image orientation
coroutine(generator).length === generator.length
Corrects wrong layout if a field accepts only English letters
A metalsmith plugin for correcting HTML syntax.
Fast and lightweight email validator. Unlike most validators, this use string validator instead of regex.
Comprehensive, HTML-entities-aware tool to typographically-correct the dashes and hyphens