SIMD crc32
SIMD crc32
Get the crc32c calculation from a stream
CRC32C algorithm for use with client-side module bundler.
Stream and promise wrapper over unix-checksum and crypto hashes
Checksum library with CRC32C
Checksum library with CRC32C
SIMD crc32
SIMD crc32
Convenience methods to use sse4_crc32 module
Fork of node-fast-crc32c with added support of M1.
Fast Javascript calculation of custom CRC checksum. Prebuilt models for CRC-6, CRC-8, CRC-10, CRC-16, CRC-24, CRC-32, CRC-32C.
CRC32C algorithm with hardware acceleration and software fallback.
CRC32 generation using Slicing-by-N algorithm
SIMD crc32
SIMD crc32
SIMD crc32
SIMD crc32
SIMD crc32
SIMD crc32
CRC32C algorithm with hardware acceleration and software fallback.