A representation and unit conversion tool for CSS angles
A representation and unit conversion tool for CSS angles
Simple JS library to convert degrees to radians or conversely from radians to degrees
Simple and performance unit converter.
Calculates the difference between two angles
This package can convert angle to direction
Get the relative compass bearing of a set of coordinates from another set.
Angular unit conversion
Convert meters into degrees according to the latitude provided
Calculate Celcius and Farenheit
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Brunel's undergraduate marking/grade bounds dataset and byMark(grade) search.
split 360 degrees
This will convert decimal degrees in to degrees, minutes, seconds.
a plugin for canvert elements like iamge, text and so on to a canvas or image, screenshot
This is a JavaScript library like stdlib.h in C. C言語のstdlib.hのようなJavaScriptのライブラリです。
A simple javascript object that provide easy way to make any dom element resizable. It provide handles to move, resize and rotate target element. Optimized, fastest and easiest single javascript file.
normalize number to range
this package lets you compare two strings and give you how much percent they are similar
Finds degree of similarity between strings, based on Dice's Coefficient, which is mostly better than Levenshtein distance.
Finds degree of similarity between strings, based on Dice's Coefficient, which is mostly better than Levenshtein distance.