A custom middleware and interceptor for your functions. performs an action before the main function or after.
A custom middleware and interceptor for your functions. performs an action before the main function or after.
A package for testing npm publishing capabilities
use modal component just like function
Your fonctions friends
A basic function generator
Collection of helpful functions for JavaScript
A functional alternative to the switch statement
A full function classic editor which extends @ckeditor/build-classic
Google Cloud Function (NodeJS)
generate random book
<!-- * @Author: jiangnan * @Date: 2021-08-03 10:26:48 * @LastEditors: afei * @LastEditTime: 2022-10-27 18:04:11 * @Description: * @FilePath: \Geely-Function-Tool\ -->
Provide proxy handler for getting properties and executing functions
retrive only number from any text
A safe way of returning the interior height of the window in pixels
A safe way of returning the interior width and height of the window in pixels
A safe way of returning the interior width of the window in pixels