Gzips files as a gobble transform
Gzips files as a gobble transform
A gobble plugin that takes your node app and runs it and restarts it on change
Create a file tree with some pug templates and a file template
Render static pages from Ractive components
A plugin for gobble to turn ractive-window files into loadable scripts
Rename files using pattern
Asset revisioning for gobble
Bundle ES6 modules with gobble, rollup and babel
Resolve server side includes (SSI) with gobble
Compile Stylus files with Gobble
Compile TypeScript files with gobble and TypeScript
Minify CSS files with gobble and clean-css
Compile CSS files with gobble and cssnext
Check JavaScript files with eslint and gobble
Force a copy of all files
A plugin for gobble to manage dependencies
Minify your GLSL code in your GobbleJS workflow
Gobble plugin to hard-link files
Use html-minifier with gobble
Generate precompiled jade templates in ES6 module format