Run PostCSS/autoprefixer via gobble
Run PostCSS/autoprefixer via gobble
Flatten folders with gobble and spelunk
Bundle ES6 modules with gobble and rollup
Compile SASS files with gobble
Minify JavaScript files with gobble and uglifyjs2
Gobble plugin to generate Leafdoc (🍂doc) documentation.
Concatenate files with gobble
Replace <@variables@> in text with gobble
Optimise AMD modules with gobble and RequireJS
Compile Ractive.js components with gobble
Bundle ES6 modules with gobble and esperanto
Post-process CSS files with gobble and postcss
Compile all SASS files with gobble
Search and replace text strings in your GobbleJS workflow
Gobbles nodes
Transform markdown files to HTML in your GobbleJS workflow.
Compile ractive components in a folder/file tree and include rollup file registering all components
A plugin for gobble to make sourcemaps relative to the project root
file trasformer gobble plugin for sass to css
A gobble plugin to concatenate css files