this is 58 house rn seed project public components
this is 58 house rn seed project public components
58 hosue rn native sdk
A representation of geographical feature of interest(i.e mapped physical element with their attributes in landscape e.g. administrative boundaries, roads, buildings etc) both natural and man made used in emergency(or disaster) management(or event).
SDK for ProPublica Congress API
Miscellaneous code used in HouseStark's projects
Smart House UI
A powerful library for interacting with the Discord Bots House API
Generate westminster parliament charts as virtual-dom SVG.
houseRocks is a project aims to provide better living space solutions for young people working in Mainland China
Redux House gives you a productive way to create Actions, Requests and Reducers
API Client for
React UI Library for interacting with the 'In The House' API
Patrimonium.js is a JavaScript library providing a set of tools to modelize the real estate operations of an individual and their impact on the financial situation of the same individual.
Smart House UI
Smart House BE
This is Beegru's Official Design System based on Material UI
Digital twin smart home proof of concept
Smart House