Common utilities for EWEA
Common utilities for EWEA
A representation of an entity which define and track an instance(or occurrence) of an emergency(or disaster) event.
A representation of geographical feature of interest(i.e mapped physical element with their attributes in landscape e.g. administrative boundaries, roads, buildings etc) both natural and man made used in emergency(or disaster) management(or event).
A representation on how a party(or stakeholder) acts or, in other words, what role party(or stakeholder) plays in event of emergency(or disaster).
A representation of an entity (e.g municipal, individual, agency, organization etc) consisting of contact information (e.g. name, e-mail addresses, phone numbers) and other descriptive information of interest in emergency(or disaster) management.
Random variables and random nested objects manipulation in javascript
Identifies hazardous code that triggers global performance degradation to the JavaScript environment.
A representation of an envelope(or payload) which carries disaster notifications(or warning) from source(s) to audience(s).
A representation of an entity which define and track an instance(or occurrence) of an emergency(or disaster) event.
A representation of written set of activities and procedures that outlines(or guides) what stakeholders and others should do in emergency(or disaster) event.
A representation of indicators, questions and questionnaires used to assess need and situation of an emergency(or disaster) event.
Try to explain how random random is.
The Interdependent Networked Community Resilience Modeling Environment (IN-CORE) has the capability of computing resiliency measures at the user-desired community level. The methodologies and algorithms have been developed by different research groups wit
The Interdependent Networked Community Resilience Modeling Environment (IN-CORE) has the capability of computing resiliency measures at the user-desired community level. The methodologies and algorithms have been developed by different research groups wit
The Interdependent Networked Community Resilience Modeling Environment (IN-CORE) has the capability of computing resiliency measures at the user-desired community level. The methodologies and algorithms have been developed by different research groups wit
A representation of an entity which define and track vehicle dispatches(i.e ambulance etc) during an emergency event.
Common reports for EWEA
A representation of an entity which classify emergency(or disaster) from the most generalised(nature and family) to the most specific (main event and peril).
A representation of item(i.e materials, services, staff, assets etc.) and it stock that may be consumed or made available in emergency(or disaster) management(or event).
A representation of an entity which define and track cases during an emergency event.