Loaders Packages


This component is a versatile tool that can fill many roles within a project. At its heart, the component provides an indication to the user that something is coming but not yet available.

0.0.1 • Published 2 years ago


`cc-loading`是是基于 `loaders.css` 二次封装的 vue3 加载动画组件库, 帮你轻松的在项目中使用不同风格的加载动画。 该项目受`@alex_xu/react-loading`启发,是`@alex_xu/react-loading`的vue3实现版本。全部采用`ts`编写,支持全局组件。 效果图如下: <img src="https://camo.githubusercontent.com/578d6e2073c668e4a39fc513001cb0fea18ae40

1.2.4 • Published 2 years ago