Client library for TheTVDB API in Node.js
Client library for TheTVDB API in Node.js
Node package to get Cinesa info
Search Cinemeta Film Database with ease.
Stream movies, web series, and anime.
check the cgv blitz cinema movie seat from your cli
apiiptvparser is a powerful tool for extracting information from IPTV playlists. It provides the following features: - Retrieve all channels, movies, and series. - Calculate the total number of channels. - Calculate the total number of movies. - Calculate
This is a branch of the alexa-plex application created by OverloadUT, reworked to fit the current plex api and add some additional functionality such as movie access. This is basically a break fix, done by someone who doesn't know how to code very well. T
Nodejs library that provides high-level APIs for obtaining information on various entertainment media such as books, movies, comic books, anime, manga, and so on.
Nodejs library that provides high-level APIs for obtaining information on various entertainment media such as books, movies, comic books, anime, manga, and so on.
Unofficial api for coolmoviez.shop
Nexstack Nodejs library that provides an Api for obtaining the movies information website.
A package that allows you to get movie information.
A TypeScript library to scrape movie information from Filmaffinity
Nodejs library that provides an Api for obtaining the movies information from FlixHQ website.