A JSON API for RediBox
A JSON API for RediBox
A scalable trending hook designed to track temporal trends in non-stationary categorical distributions.
Redlock wrapper for Rosmaro.
RedLock is a TypeScript library for acquiring and releasing locks using Redis, designed for use in Node.js applications.
Please refer to original library
A node.js redlock implementation for distributed redis locks
Idempotency guarantee via Redis
An efficient and fast cache operation for API endpoints
A distributed locking algorithm used to manage distributed resources in a system.
A Distributed Lock Manager for Redis, implemented with the RedLock algorithm, using either node-redis or ioredis clients.
Redis synchronization primitives based on redlock algorithm
Distributed mutex and semaphore based on Redis
A distributed lock implementation using Upstash Redis
nest redlock module
Ensures that some long-running job with an unique key is not double scheduled in the cluster.
A node.js redlock implementation for distributed redis locks
Distributed locks library
A node.js redlock implementation for distributed redis locks
A node.js redlock implementation for distributed redis locks
A node.js redlock implementation for distributed redis locks