Convert colors between RGB, HEX, HSL, HWB, LAB, LCH, and more
Convert colors between RGB, HEX, HSL, HWB, LAB, LCH, and more
evaluate the wcag color contrast score for two colors
Get the contrast ratio and WCAG score between common CSS color types.
A CLI for accessibility testing using axe-core
Color combination contrast tester
Get relative luminance from a color string.
Calculate contrast ratio between two CSS color strings.
Color Check is a very tine library for checking your foreground and backgorunds colors against the WCAG2 color compliance standard.
A CLI for accessibility testing using axe-core
Ace by DAISY, an Accessibility Checker for EPUB
WCAG 2.0 AA contrast checker for DOM elements
This is an accessibility validator based on WCAG 2.0 standard for checking the color contrast.
a vanilla js function that takes in an array of colors and returns the wcag contrast scors of all of their combinaations
An accessible modal library as used by the gent_styleguide for the city of Ghent, Belgium.
Check for WCAG color contrast compliance
Color palette combination contrast tester
Determines the best contrast color to use. Give it a background color and it returns a foreground color (black or white by default but customizable).
Create ARIA-compliant color themes based on a predominant color palette.
HTML headings with auto-incrementing levels for WCAG compliance.
An automation tool for testing frontend applications against a set of web accessibility guidelines.