Worker thread with a RPC api
Worker thread with a RPC api
Promises + Workers = multi-threaded PromiseWorkers!
use sharedArrayBuffer to store data
Require module as Worker Thread
Consistent Web Workers in browser and Node (NWJS-compatible fork)
bthreads worker prelude
A easy way to create a pool of worker threads.
Create and manage a pool of worker threads with an improved two-way communication.
Nodejs worker_threads promised wrapper
基于nodejs worker_threads的线程池。耗时操作或nodejs没有提供异步模式的api(例如解密、同步的文件api)都可以在线程池中执行,业务代码只需要返回一个Promise或async函数给线程池库,至于业务逻辑做什么操作,其实都可以,比如setTimeout,异步操作,async await等
Execute code in a background worker thread on node.js
Web workers & worker threads as simple as a function call
Synchronous message channel for inter-thread communication
Web workers & worker threads as simple as a function call
Thread pool with Auto-configuration for worker_threads, provides both thread and pool function, has thread-safe storage
A library to implement Goroutine-Like API with worker threads.
ECMAScript 2020 parser for JavaScript and TypeScript, based on buntis. Used by SpringType Bundler/Compiler.
thread pool