Does a vinyl file match a condition?
Does a vinyl file match a condition?
Fork stream based on passed condition, and collect down-stream
Conditionally run a task
Check if an object is empty or not.
Simplify npm scripts with "if-env ... && npm run this || npm run that"
Neater control statements (if/for) for jsx
Put non-empty strings into arrays, turn empty-ones into empty arrays. Bypass everything else.
PostCSS plugin that enables @if statements in your CSS
Regular expression for matching HTML empty conditional comments
Neater control statements (if/for) for jsx
A simple and powerful async abstraction lib for easily writing Node.js code.
PostCss plugin to use CSS Custom Properties in at-rule @each, @for, @if, @else
Check if the machine is running Windows or not.
Check if a given value is a string that represents natural number
Detect if a Node.js process is in the debug mode.
🐊Putout plugin adds ability to merge if-statements
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[Gulp plugin] Conditional task with "if" callback and "else" callback (optional): gulp.src(source).pipe( ifElse(condition, ifCallback, elseCallback) )
Invokes connect-like middleware if / unless routing criteria matches. Inspired on express-unless module.
Check a character if it is a correctly supported emoji.