Get running processes
Get running processes
Test if a process with a given pid is running
Check if a process is running
Check if the process is running as administrator on Windows
Check if the process is running with elevated privileges
Detect if Mocha is running
Check if the machine is running Windows or not.
Check whether a website is up or down
A persistent job or task queue backed by RethinkDB.
Calculate running pace
Check whether a website is up or down
Small utility to verify if an Elasticsearch cluster is up and running.
Listen to active windows by specifying them
messaging framework for communicating with running node.js applications over http
A simple JS library for calculating running track split times.
Simple pid file management for daemon processes.
Makes it simple to interface with Garmin Connect to get or set any data point
Simulate an indoor bicycle trainer with BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)
A Node.js library for speed and pace calculations for sports like running and cycling. Age-graded times and heart-rate training-zones are also supported.
Training Impulse (trimp) based on heart rate, which often referred as TRIMP^exp