kill trees of processes
kill trees of processes
Cross platform children list of a PID
Get running processes
Advanced, lightweight system and OS information library
Check if a process is running
Wrapper for the Windows `taskkill` command. Ends one or more tasks or processes.
Wrapper for the Windows `tasklist` command. Returns a list of apps and services with their Process ID (PID) for all tasks running on either a local or a remote computer.
Get the ID of the process that uses a certain port
An operating system utility library.
Neatly view the output of multiple spawned processes.
Minimalistic nodejs process manager. Similar to forever-monitor
A simple task runner which will run tasks concurrently while maintaining limits.
Get a snapshot of the currently running processes, OS-agnostic
A cross-platform node module for listing and searching running processes.
A concise JavaScript library for building step processes
Stability and multi-core performance for your Express app, via the built-in stable Node.js cluster API.
Get a list of all processes (pid, ppid, command(line) and args) on Windows/unix
Get system processes through ps
Kill procesess gracefully with retries, signals and all children
Runs & manages your web server app as a cluster of multiple workers