avrgirl wrapper for usbtinyisp programmer interactions
avrgirl wrapper for usbtinyisp programmer interactions
Intel Galileo & Intel Edison IO Plugin for Johnny-Five JavaScript Robotics
data collection server for the internet of things
Intel Edison & Intel Galileo IO Plugin for Johnny-Five JavaScript Robotics
Module for SparkFun OpenScale SEN-13261
Intel Joule, Intel Edison & Intel Galileo IO Plugin for Johnny-Five JavaScript Robotics
Node wrapper for Sparkfun Edison OLED Block. Includes wrappers around OLED, GPIO and SPI classes.
data collection server for the internet of things
Use Johnny-five to control your sparkfun redbot
A node.js module for accessing the Arduino compatible pins on the pcDuino microcontroller.
data collection server for the internet of things
Control a segmented LED display by Sparkfun.
Node-RED support for Sparkfun CAN bus shield. can send and recieve canbus data via the sparkfun canbusshield.