Homebridge plugin for Raspberry Pi
Homebridge plugin for Raspberry Pi
A low-level Node.js binding for the Linux epoll API
GPIO access and interrupt detection with Node.js
High performance GPIO/i2c/PWM/SPI module for Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, Banana Pi
pure js implementation of pigpio
RPI-Monitor for ioBroker Installations
Fast GPIO, PWM, servo control, state change notification, and interrupt handling on the Raspberry Pi
Cylon module for General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)
Physical computing library for embedded Linux and BeagleBone
Software SPI implementation to use any Raspberry Pi pins as a SPI interface
A set of node-red nodes for using Johnny-Five and IO plugins
Provides Actuators and Sensors for the Raspberry Pi GPIO Pins.
m2m is a client module for machine-to-machine communication framework node-m2m for cloud and edge computing.
Raspberry Pi GPIO LED Strip plugin for Homebridge
Node-Red node for Raspberry Pi gpio
Homebridge plugin exposing devices plugged on GPIO
GrovePi library for Node.js
Physical computing library for embedded Linux
Talk to your Raspberry PI's general purpose inputs and outputs
A simple library for creating hardware-agnostic IoT applications in Javascript