High performance GPIO/i2c/PWM/SPI module for Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, Banana Pi
High performance GPIO/i2c/PWM/SPI module for Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, Banana Pi
The module in JavaScript provides convenient means for using files as standard ArrayBuffer making mmap behind the scene.
io.js/node.js mmap bindings revisited.
io.js/node.js mmap bindings revisited.
Native bindings for creating Buffers atop shared memory in node.js
mmap bindings for node.js that work
Divsense Alien Body
A high performance, memory mapped, Node.js API for GPIO on the Raspberry Pi.
A high performance, memory mapped, Node.js API for the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor connected to a Raspberry Pi.
A high performance, memory mapped, Node.js API for the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor connected to a Raspberry Pi.
io.js/node.js mmap bindings revisited.
Node.js addon to map files as shared memory buffers, for unix + windows
A cross-platform memory-mapping library for nodejs(& TypeScript)
A high performance, memory mapped, Node.js API for GPIO on the Raspberry Pi.
High performance GPIO/i2c/PWM/SPI module for Raspberry Pi, NanoPi and Orange Pi
Control Raspberry Pi GPIO pins with node.js. Fast and easy to use.
A high performance, memory mapped, Node.js API for the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor connected to a Raspberry Pi.
Memory mapped kit provides a high level API for managing mmap data in form of array or queue
A class wrapper for mapping class properties into a buffer.
High performance GPIO/i2c/PWM/SPI module for Raspberry Pi