orbit controls for ThreeJS
orbit controls for ThreeJS
@aleeper's three.js stl-loader as a node module
A React renderer for Threejs
useful add-ons for react-three-fiber
Mesh replacement for THREE.Line
useful add-ons for react-three-fiber
A JavaScript library to display Photo Sphere panoramas
Navigation mesh toolkit for three.js, based on PatrolJS
The famous ThreeJs library with integrated examples as es6 modules
A module for using THREE.TrackballControls with nodejs
a interaction manager, serve the three.js, help you build a interactivity 3d-scene
A BVH implementation to speed up raycasting against three.js meshes.
soonspacejs 2.x
Threejs newest obj&mtl loader with npm dev
bim+ renderer
Potree loader for ThreeJS, converted and adapted to Typescript.
Orbit & first person camera controller for THREE.JS
Create glow mesh with any ThreeJS geometry.
ThreeJS OrbitControls as a standalone and typescript compatible npm module
an easy way to set vertex data on a BufferGeometry