passport-vkontakte authentication strategy for Passport. authentication strategy for Passport.
Small (1.6 KB) simple tool for sharing url, title, description and image to VK, Facebook (Feed, Dialog, Button, Messenger), Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest, Tumblr, G+, VK, OK,, LinkedIn, Whatsapp, Viber, Telegram, Line.
LSK.js module for telegram, slack, discord, whatsapp, twitter, instagram and vk bots creation
🤖 VK bot framework for Node.js, based on Bots Long Poll API and Callback API
React Native wrapper for VK SDK Login
Social media share buttons and counts for Vue.js
Functional library for support VKontake API (ВКонтакте API) on node.js
LSK.js plugin for @lskjs/bots module for telegram, slack, discord, whatsapp, twitter, instagram and vk bots creation
VK Streamin API client for Node
LSK.js plugin for @lskjs/bots module for telegram, slack, discord, whatsapp, twitter, instagram and vk bots creation
A lightweight and modular social sharing library
TypeScript library to make requests performing to VK API simple
Passport strategy for authenticating with VKontakte via OAuth2 access tokens
Library for creating Vkontakte bots with ease.
LSK.js plugin for @lskjs/bots module for telegram, slack, discord, whatsapp, twitter, instagram and vk bots creation
smart and efficient sdk for API
Download Spotify playlist as mp3 from VKontakte
authorization in VK social network as standalone application. Uses PhantomJS for opening VK auth form and entering credentials
Node.js SDK for Vkontakte API ( authentication strategy for Passport.