A no-brainer script to deploy a single page app on AWS
A no-brainer script to deploy a single page app on AWS
aliyun acm client
ACM SDK is a free library from Amanotes provides an efficient way to access Amanotes's content store.
aliyun acm client
aliyun acm client
Aliyun ACM sdk for Node.js.
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Traditional computer science algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript
A library to generate a certificate for HTTPS use using AWS Private Certificate Authority (PCA)
build cpp codes into single sources file.
aliyun acm sdk
Just a better API wrapper for codeforces
Auto generate a PDF notebook from your source codes (useful for your ACM-ICPC cheatsheet)
Merge cpp codes into single sources file.
On new object creation, registers assigns data ownership for read,update and delete operations
CDK constructs for building S3-hosted websites
CDK constructs for building static websites
TLS-related CDK constructs
aliyun acm client
This CDK Pattern deploy a Single Page Application (ReactJS / VueJS / Angular) websites to AWS S3 behind CloudFront-CDN, Route53-DNS, ACM-SSL.