AWS SDK for JavaScript
AWS SDK for JavaScript
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::CloudFront
broccoli asset revisions (fingerprint)
The CDK Construct Library for AWS CloudFront Origins
Static asset revisioning by appending content hash to filenames: unicorn.css => unicorn.098f6bcd.css, also re-writes references in each file to new reved name.
Amazon AWS CloudFront client for Node.js
A Grunt interface into the Amazon Node.JS SDK
A vue-cli plugin for deploying your built Vue app to an S3 bucket.
Plugin for the SLS 1.x branch to provide support for Lambda@Edge (not currently supported by CloudFormation
A gulp plugin that allows you to invalidate paths in AWS cloudfront
Syncs a local directory to an AWS S3 bucket, optionally invalidating affected CloudFront paths.
Invalidates paths published with gulp-awspublish
Node.js utility to sync files to Amazon S3 and invalidate CloudFront distributions.
Deploy a fullstack serverless web app (including React, Angular, Node.js, Python) with an AWS CloudFront distribution in front of your API Gateway and static content from S3. Use your own custom domain, SSL from AWS, and AWS Web Application Firewall.
Plugin for the SLS 1.x branch to provide support for Lambda@Edge (not currently supported by CloudFormation
CloudFront distribution in front of your API Gateway
HTTP response caching for Koa. HTTP response caching for Koa. Supports Redis, in-memory store, and more!
Sets up a cloudfront distribution with custom TLS certificates
> Updates the Default Root Object of a CloudFront distribution
Signs and prepares requests using AWS Signature Version 4