Memory engine for advent.
Memory engine for advent.
DynamoDB engine for advent.
MongoDB engine for advent.
A command-line interface I made because I was bored
A NodeJS client for fetching inputs, running puzzle challenges and submitting answers to Advent Of Code directly from your JavaScript code.
A cli to help initialize/run JavaScript advent-of-code challenges.
Intcode machine defined in adventofcode 2019
Memory engine for advent.
A javascript port of the 350-point version of the classic Adventure game.
MongoDB engine for advent.
Helper class for parsing and running Advent of Code puzzles
A simple tool for scaffolding Advent of Code tasks
javaScript utility functions for quick flow
A customizable advent calendar library to manage unlockable content, countdowns, and day-based events.
Component library for Advent Hub Solutions LLC.
javaScript utility functions for quick flow
virtueller Adventskalender
Advent of Code automatic runner for examples and inputs
Advent to Code tooling for Node
Advent of Code tool to automate the repetitive parts of AoC.