the logic needed to register angular 1 apps with single-spa
the logic needed to register angular 1 apps with single-spa
Powerful, easy-to-use app container for Angular.js with ES Modules. Types included. IE11 supported.
Jest preprocessor to turn Angular 1 templates into JS and put in modules.
Generate your integrated Angular and Mobile applications. Bring front-end development best practices, tools and standards in one place
Angular 2 component syntax for Angular 1 apps
Backport of the Angulars webpack loader that inlines your angular templates into angular components.
Shared React Hooks State Provider in Angular 1 without passing props or hierarchy
Handle Angular events using an error middleware stack similar to express
基于 angular@1.7.8 封装的字体组件库
Register your angular modules using ES6 sintax
Creating an AngularJS + UI-Router app with Webpack
Angular1 directive of image viewer, view image repeat
Angular 1 directive to include JSON resumes
AllexJS Web Component for introducing i18n angular1 functionality
set ratio to elements
A collection of useful filters for AngularJS
the directive will detect all the pending ajax requests, and show the loading spinner when there has pending requests
An Angular 1.x implementation of the AdminLTE admin template
AngularJS directive for Elm modules with interoperation via ports