Add Animate CSS as Tailwind CSS plugin to your project.
Add Animate CSS as Tailwind CSS plugin to your project.
The Animate CSS porting for React
Helper function to add multiple animate.css classes to elements
Simplify the task of manipulating the DOM of the react components and use animations (like jQuery)
Add class
A Tailwind CSS plugin for creating css animations.
A Tailwind CSS plugin for creating beautiful animations.
A minimalistic starter kit for front-end development using only npm-scripts, with added support for Bootstrap, jQuery, Font Awesome, CSS animations, PWA, and icons. Includes scripts for Sass compilation, JavaScript bundling, image optimization, and file w
A Tailwind CSS plugin for creating beautiful animations.
A React component implementing the latest version of Animate.css
An Alpine.js plugin to animate your website.
A configuration to use Animate.css with Tailwind CSS
This plugin helps you use [animateCss](https://animate.style/) animation in tailwind.
Add Animate CSS as Windi CSS plugin to your project.
Add Animate CSS as Windi CSS plugin to your project.
🌟 Tiny React components for applying CSS animations
A Tailwind CSS plugin for creating beautiful animations.