Simplest way to reload an electron app on file changes!
Simplest way to reload an electron app on file changes!
Adds automatic browser reloading support to brunch.
Simple auto-reloading for Electron apps during development
watch and reload your electron app the easy way
Adds browser-sync support to brunch for automatic browser reloading and much more
A drop-in library for nw.js development
composition of components served by express
It is a simple method to restart your application.
Monitor file change, and restart Electron app use command.
Simple auto reloading for gulp.
A webpack plugin to auto reload while developing chrome extension. 一个用于开发Chrome扩展时监视文件修改并自动重载的Webpack插件。
Webpack plugin that reload the RAGE MP server after compilation
A nice way for realtime-reloading your electron while developing.
dev tool that refreshes browser page when served file changes
express plugin that injects javascript code to html responses to automatically reload on changes
Webpack plugin that reload the electron process after compilation
Watch over your javascripts.
Use hot reloading for Electron processes during development.
Adds automatic browser reloading support to brunch.
Adds BrowserSync support to brunch.