Adds Uglify minifying support to brunch.
Adds Uglify minifying support to brunch.
Adds automatic browser reloading support to brunch.
Adds LESS support to brunch.
Adds Jade support to brunch.
Adds Pug (aka Jade) support to brunch.
Perform generic replacement on your compiled files or assets.
Adds browser-sync support to brunch for automatic browser reloading and much more
Adds Uglify ES minifying support to brunch.
Adds eco support to brunch.
Adds ng-annotate AND Uglify minifying support to brunch.
Adds string replacement support to Brunch.
Adds static Jade support to brunch.
Wraps a brunch-compiled library to keep it off the global scope.
Adds Traceur ES6 transpiler support to brunch.
Brunch plugin to read text files as strings in JS.
Simple image minification for brunch
Brunch interface for Typeset, an HTML preprocessor for web typography.
Use tomorrow's CSS syntax, today, using cssnext via brunch
Adds Pug (aka Jade) support to brunch.
Adds data uri format support to Brunch.