Kiwi is a high speed implementation of the Cassowary constraint solving algorithm
Kiwi is a high speed implementation of the Cassowary constraint solving algorithm
Apple's Auto Layout and Visual Format Language for javascript (using cassowary constraints)
Autolayout FBP graphs using KIELER/KLay Layered algo
a constraint solver based on kiwi.js (cassowary)
Advanced react layout library that easy to use
Autolayout FBP graphs using KIELER/KLay Layered algo
Auto layout for React using Apple's Visual Format Language
Lay out your SVG views with React and AutoLayout.js
Apple's Auto Layout and Visual Format Language for
Animatable layouts, FlexScrollView & widgets for
Wrapper around autolayout.js and PIXI.js that helps to use VFL to build elements in PIXI.
React layout components to make implementing Figma auto layout designs quicker and easier
lightweight and reduced version of dagrejs
Advanced react layout library that easy to use
Advanced react layout library that easy to use
Apple's Auto Layout and Visual Format Language for javascript (using cassowary constraints)
High speed Cassowary constraint solver in JavaScript.