Computes the cumulative sum of a numeric array.
Computes the cumulative sum of a numeric array.
Normal distribution cumulative distribution function (CDF).
small minimal quantile and CDF estimator for multiple large data streams
Poisson distribution cumulative distribution function (CDF).
Poisson distribution quantile function.
Lognormal distribution cumulative distribution function (CDF).
normal distribution pdf, cdf, quantile
Normal distribution
Normal distribution quantile function.
Lognormal distribution quantile function.
Laplace distribution cumulative distribution function (CDF).
Random number generation utilities from simjs
Statistical distribution functions as a UMD bundle.
Inverse chi-squared cumulative distribution function
Logistic distribution cumulative distribution function (CDF).
An native port of the standalone Rmath library
Gumbel distribution quantile function.
Exponential distribution.
Exponential distribution cumulative distribution function (CDF).