Estimates normals for meshes
Estimates normals for meshes
Normalize array (possibly n-dimensional) to zero mean and unit variance
Quickly calculate common statistics on lists of numbers
Seedable random number generator supporting many common distributions.
A collection of probability distribution functions
A JavaScript model of a Gaussian distribution
Pseudo-random number generators w/ unified API, distributions, weighted choices, ID generation
A tiny library providing for creating a variety of random value generators.
A simple OBJ model loader to help facilitate the learning of WebGL
Normal distribution probability density function (PDF)
remark plugin to transform references and definitions into normal links and images
Normalize different variable value types - e.g. `"1"` becomes `1`
random number generator for the unit normal distribution
A small javascript module for working with normal distributions
approximate face normal in the fragment shader
A TypeScript model of a Gaussian distribution
Normalize, canonicalize, and format BCP 47 tags
normalizes a 2D path to its bounding box
gets a plane's normal from 3 points
Lognormal distribution probability density function (PDF)